Wateree Baptist Association Upper Division
Mission Statement:
The Wateree Baptist Association Upper Division is a collaborative effort of diverse churches seeking to evangelize, disciple, and transform our communities by providing resources that will equip, assist, and encourage our churches to fulfill the Great Commission.
Parent Body Ministries
Clergy Ministry
Consists of Pastors and Ministers who are members of a partnering church. Training will include but not be limited to the development of ministers, ethics, and church administration. Activities will be coordinated to emphasize fellowship and goodwill.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry will explore opportunities for leadership development and responsibilities as it relates to men’s spiritual growth, training, and targeted concerns of men in their local churches and surrounding communities.
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry will explore opportunities for leadership development and responsibilities as it relates to women’s spiritual growth, training, and targeted concerns of women in their local churches and surrounding communities.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry will be responsible for youth activities of the Association. This ministry will be comprised of youth leaders and volunteers from partnering churches. The ministry will be responsible for coordinating all training, outings, and special activities of youth conducted at the Association level.
Worship & Arts Ministry
The Worship & Arts Ministry will serve as a place for all church musicians, worship leaders, ushers and other support ministries associated with worship services from all Association churches to edify one another and facilitate musical and other training within our churches. This ministry will also coordinate worship expressions as needed for Association events.
Congress of Christian Education
The Congress of Christian Education will be the training arm of the Association. It receives direction from the Parent Body for all aspects of training and leadership development in support of the vision and ministries of Association and constituent churches. The officers of the Congress will be elected from the delegated members of the Association.
Missionary Ministry
The Missionary Ministry will serve as the place for all missionaries within partnering churches to coordinate their efforts on the Association level to reach our communities and support foreign missions as we minister to those in need.
Wateree Retreat Center
The Wateree Retreat Center will serve our churches and community as a place for spirit revival, relaxation, recreational activities and other events.